Top Risky Business

Top Visitors in December 1999

This list is generated by a log analysis program that counts how many answers each players gives or how often a given player (defined by nickname) is chatting on the channel. Each instance constitutes one appearance.

  1. Kelly` 8861
  2. DNAchic 6969
  3. dimski 5137
  4. deekay 1455
  5. shona^ 1188
  6. Midoreeee 1071
  7. etoile 1066
  8. cookiesncr 935
  9. rokrol 813
  10. cora 806
  11. automate 662
  12. deserteagl 550
  13. Brian 509
  14. psyCole 506
  15. georgia 503
  16. Wobbly 472
  17. ashtayk 455
  18. MindFlds 420
  19. Staid 407
  20. corafairy 406
  21. Jason 269
  22. K8y 262
  23. ziggystard 258
  24. georgiapea 255
  25. _Sliver 248
  26. deekae 244
  27. Jday 199
  28. kristianna 190
  29. airmo 188
  30. Bronxx 184
  31. scofflaw 170
  32. JGD 151
  33. kristiana 151
  34. Porkie 142
  35. delicata 134
  36. poly 127
  37. grape- 123
  38. kristian 113
  39. NANACACA 110
  40. mikejm 101
  41. MACK18 98
  42. galatea 90
  43. misty 89
  44. sirius 88
  45. Coolcats 88
  46. kristianaa 87
  47. Synsual 78
  48. Daniel1 76
  49. Sachin 73
  50. x-venus 73
  51. NiTeKrUzr 71
  52. ^foopy^ 67
  53. E23 67
  54. threeking 64
  55. Telena 63
  56. easel 63
  57. {GrAciA} 61
  58. dimsky 57
  59. SaniClaus 54
  60. deesie 50
  61. Moppel 44
  62. Djinn 43
  63. Corinne 42
  64. Da`Hab 40
  65. aussie 40
  66. priz 36
  67. Yeye 35
  68. Sel 34
  69. jobob 34
  70. dim 34
  71. rewq 34
  72. Mikas 34
  73. noidentd 29


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Michelle A. Hoyle
Risky Business Visitors, Last modified: October 1, 2000