How to Become an Operator
Channel operators are users entrusted to maintain order on the channel as well as correct errors and notify the administration in the event of errors or mishaps. If you are not on the bot op list and think that you qualify, contact the appropriate game administrator.
People are granted operator status on EFnet/Undernet by Mach ( For StarLink/DALnet, you need to contact Eingang ( Usually, operator privileges are granted to people who have played the games for awhile so that their behaviour can be evaluated.
We do not find it amusing if people are constantly asking us for operator privileges for the games. Being an operator is not just a status thing, it is also a responsibility. If you just want to be an operator because you think it is cool, please do not even bother to ask. In fact, in general, operator privileges are granted automatically to people deemed capable of assuming the responsibility for managing the channel.
We cannot stress the importance of operators behaving appropriately. With so many games running, it is impossible for the game administrators to monitor all the channels all the time. As such, we rely on the operators to enforce the rules, particularly the rules regarding language and conduct on the channel. The games are designed to be family-friendly. If you are an operator or would like to be an operator, please be sure that you are also committed to this.
If you think someone is abusing their operator privileges or perhaps using them to cheat, please feel free to contact the appropriate game administrator with details of the problem.
Before applying for channel operator privileges, please ensure that you have completed the following steps:
The following commands are available to operators on DALnet/ StarLink by messaging the 'bot with the command name plus any required paramters:
Command Name Parameters Description /OPME or /AUTH Password For those of you who require a password to authorize yourself. Currently all bots except MadBot use /OPME. /PASSWORD old_pass new_pass For operators with passwords, change your password from old pass to new pass. This only works currently with MadBot. /PLAYERS No Args Instructs the #madlib bot to give you a list of players currently on #madlib and what their idle time is. Bot also shows who is "authorized" with the bot. /BAN Nickname/User@Host Reason Place a channel ban by nickname or user@host for reason. This command takes wildcards. /UNBAN NickName/User@host Remove a channel ban by nickname or user@host. In order to be successful, the user@host/nickname must match the original ban. Use /mode #channel_name +b to see a list of the bans. This command takes wildcards. /KICK NickName (Reason) Kick nickname off the channel for Reason. If no reason is supplied, a generic one is used. /TEMPBAN User@Host Number_of_Games Nick Number_of_Games Reason
Place a temporary channel ban on user with User@Host or user named nick for specified number of games. Using a nick will cause the bot to kick the person as well as place a user@host ban. This ban will automatically be removed by the 'bot. This command takes wildcards. /UNTEMPBAN User@Host/Ban Number Removes a temporary ban. The User@Host mask must match that of the original tempban or the current number of the ban in the show tempbans list. Use /SHOW TEMPBANS to see the list. This command takes wildcards. /SHOW TEMPBANS No args Show the list of current tempbans, including who set them and the number of games each ban is good for. /IGNORE User@Host Instruct the 'bot to ignore any messages from user@host. This is a permanent ignore, so use with caution. This command takes wildcards. LIMIT (Number) When no number is present, turn the channel limit off, otherwise set the channel limit to number. /MOD No args Turn channel moderation (+m) on immediately /UNMOD No args Turn channel moderation off (-m) /JOIN #Channel_name Have 'bot leave the current channel and join #channel_name instead. /LEAVE #Channel_name Have 'bot leave the current channel. /TOPIC Bleah Change the channel topic to Bleah. /PROTECT TOPIC ON (Number_Games) Prevent the 'bot from automatically changing the topic for a certain number of games. If no number is provided, a default value is used. The maximum number of games you can protect for is 29. This does not prevent people from changing the topic via the topic command! /PROTECT TOPIC OFF No Args Turn topic protection off. /CHANGE TOPIC No Args Force the 'bot to select a new topic out of the topic file and set the channel topic. /HELP (Command_Name) If no argument is provided, then returns a list of valid operator commands for the 'bot. If a command name is provided, specific help on that command is provided. /RESET SCORES No Args Set the scores of both teams to 0 for Chaos. /SCORE NickName value Set the score of nick to value in the trivia games. /QUIET No Args Turn the moderated mode on/off during Terrible Trouble or the display of answers in Chaos. The default for this is on for Chaos and off for the trivia games. /ANNOUNCE GAME No Args Have the bot make an announcement on some of the other game channels that a game of Acro/MadLib will be starting shortly. This command can only be used during the delay between rounds and only works in Acrophobia/MadLib. /RESTART GAME No Args Erase all the old scores and players from the current game and start a new Acrophobia game. Use this command with caution since it has no undo. /GAME HALT No Args Pause a MadLib game. /GAME RESUME No Args Resume a paused MadLib game.
Please do not abuse your privileges; all interactions are logged and will be monitored in the event of a complaint. Please abide by the guidelines. Violations of these guidelines will result in removal from the operator list.
Please choose the best answer for each of the questions below and, in the additional comments space, provide a brief explanation for your answer.
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