Letter from Eingang, October 1999
Miscellaneous Ramblings & News
It's been a busy, busy month. Aren't they all? :-P
You might have noticed that Chatter and I are still lurking about Canada. We finally resolved our visa problems and we're definitely leaving Canada now on the 21st of November. I've bought and paid for the tickets and everything; nothing's going to stop us now!
Bink and I have been busily tapping away at the DALnet ReneeBot and most of the problems we were experiencing seem to have been resolved. We can again have the bot process answers that have more than 20-odd characters in them and the bot no longer crashes on startup as she was doing when we upgraded the operating system of the bot machine. Thanks a lot to Bink for his help!
Also during the last month, I've been working, along with a Java programmer, on a Java browser-based version of ReneeBot for use on a Kids' site. This version of the game differs slightly from the game you're all used to. It doesn't, for example, allow you to steal or to wager during Desperate Danger. It also does not have a final question where you can wager all or nothing in hopes of winning the game. Removing these features, of course, made it a lot easier to implement a simple, intuitive interface. I did, however, add a Double Double feature, where at two different spots in the game any player can answer the Double Double question for double the original question's point value.
When will you get to see this, you ask? Well, I might give you guys a sneak preview, but I don't expect to make a version of this available for our use in the near future. It is, however, possible that the interface could be expanded to work with the regular version of the game, giving people a Web-based version of the game now that IGM is pretty much well done with.
Haven't seen me around the channel much lately? It's probably because Stephen and I have been swamped at work lately. You can take a sneak preview at one of the new sites we built last month at http://www.gov.ab.ca/canheritage/. This site hasn't been officially launched yet, so keep it under your hat! :-P
More new e-mail addresses:
Your Game Administrators & Channel Ops
Starting next month, this section will have little bios on either a game administrator or one of our channel operators who help make the channels an enjoyable place to be. If you're interested in appearing in this section, drop Eingang some mail telling her so at eingang@eingang.org
Our first bio next month will be on Bronxx.
We've heard a rumour of 50 new, specially designed, trivia categories for Renee and her friends to be appearing in the next two or three weeks. Keep your eye on http://games.eingang.org/ for the moment these babies go live! After that, expect 500 new questions every few weeks until we've added 5000 (yes, 5000!) new questions to our database.
Think the trivia questions are too hard? Rumour has it that development continues on a hint feature to be incorporated into Renee and her friends. Provided that an answer was of sufficient length, this is what we heard would happen:
Waiting with baited breath for wedding pictures and a QuickTime version of the wedding video? I have it on good authority that the videos have been misplaced during packing preparations for moving to England. The plan still is to post the video and pictures where Chatter doesn't have his eyes closed on Eingang and Chatter's S-and-M.net site.
Until next month, I remain...
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