Chaos Tournament
30 Above Versus 30 Below
Chaos Exterminators Inc. is
pleased to present the next in our series of Chaos Tournaments:
30 Above Versus 30 Below.

- Up to 24 guys and 24 gals total can register for their
appropriate teams.
- There will be 4 possible teams: 30 Above,
30 Above Plus 2, 30 Below, and 30 Below Minus 2.
Each team will consist of up to 12 players.
- Players will automatically be assigned to the first team
with open space on either the 30 Above or 30 Below
side (depending on which side you're registering for)
- 30 Below consists of players 29 years of age and younger. 30
Above is 30 years of age and older. No cheating now!
- Each set of 30 Above/30 Below teams will play 2 games up to
30 points. The top cumulative scoring girls' team
will play against the top cumulative scoring guys'
team to battle it out for Chaos supremacy.
- All games will make use of brand new categories which
were set aside for this purpose.
- Games start at 13:00 EDT on November 11th and continue
until we have a winner.
Important Dates
- Registration Period: November 1st - November 10th
- Games are at 13:00 EDT on #chaos or #chaosrules on
Saturday, November 11th.
- You may only register once.
- Please register for the appropriate team. If you
accidentally register for the wrong team, please
send e-mail to
- Spectators will be welcome to visit during any of the games
but will not be able to chat on the channel. Commentary will
be welcome on #chaosdiscuss during the game.
- Registered players should refrain changing their
nicknames during the course of play or the game moderator
will not know to allow them to play.
- All tournament games will be held on the #chaos/#chaosrules channel on
/server viking.dal.net at the appointed times.
- We'd like to encourage you to invite people on your teams who have
never played Chaos before. Take this opportunity to introduce new
people to this exciting game!

Regiser For A Team
Fill out this form to register yourself for a team in the
Quick Time Conversion Table |
Time (EDT)
New York |
(Alberta) |
(California) |
(Germany) |
(Singapore) |
(1 pm) |
11:00 (11 am) |
10:00 (10 am) |
19:00 (7 pm) |
02:00 (2 am)
following day |

Michelle A. Hoyle
Chaos Tournament Information, updated:
November 4, 2000