RobBot is an IRC robot in C originally written by Mach in 1991. The original version of RobBot started out as an Eliza-like chat bot for the IRC. Then Mach and some friends got the idea that a bot would be handy for managing a triva-like game. Thus was AlexBot born in 1992 to manage the #jeopardy channel. In 1994, Mach and Eingang, threatened by Sony, holders of the copyright on the Jeopardy(TM) program, renamed the game to Risky Business and introduced Rob and ReneeBot.
Since then, numerous modifications have been added by both Eingang and Mach in order to create the games as you see them today. R*bot incorporates a simple text analyses system which allows R*bot to respond to various key phrases which have been defined in a lexicon. The phrases with which R*bot responds are modified by the grammar routines to adjust for subject-verb agreement, etc. Some key words you might want to try are: Eingang, Mach, IRC, Women, Love, Chocolate, Italy, and Canada. Have fun discovering on your own what else R*Bot is programmed to respond with!
ReneeBot and RobBot are slightly different. For the most part, both 'bots function identically, although their responses to comments and keywords directed at them might be different. As well, in principle, ReneeBot is female and RobBot is male. The other major differences are that ReneeBot features the "ungive" command and she does not usually use "+m" during the Final Terrible Trouble mode.
ChaosBot is also in written C and was originally written jointly by Eingang and Mach in the summer of 1994. Unlike R*Bot, ChaosBot does not incoporate a simple natural language analysis system. This is mostly because the game is much too fast to allow people to talk to ChaosBot. Eingang's ChaosBot has always been nicknamed "cha." While you might think "cha" comes from "CHAosBot," it in fact is a kind of a pun -- cha is also the Chinese word for tea. Eingang's ChaosBot differs now from the original jointly developed ChaosBot in that Cha keeps track of individual player scores as well as awarding a prize to the first team to reach 30 points.
The BoggleBot was written by Mach for Eingang several years ago because Eingang loved to Boggle. The IRC version of Boggle (TM Parker Brothers) is based on Parker Brother's original word finding game. Mach's solution to people not wanting words of less than 4 characters was to write Big Boggle, which uses the 5x5 board. Eingang's solution was to implement a user-switchable hard and easy mode. As you might surmise, we now have two slightly different BogBots, both based on Mach's original BogBot code. As with the other bots, BogBot is written in C. Eingang's BogBot features a 105,000-word dictionary, free of abbreviations, acronyms, Roman numerals, and proper names (for the most part.)
Yet another bot written in C. The idea for the Acrophobia game was presented to Mach by Anthony "Ace" Schubert late in 1994. Mach created the first prototype and then Mach and Eingang both refined the game on Chiron over a period of time until the version now (more or less) running on Qnet/Undernet was developed. Since then, Eingang has continued on to improve the AcroBot, particularly in the areas of user interface, presentation, and acceptable answers. In 1997, Berkeley Systems bought the rights to the Acrophobia (TM) name and concept, which is why a trademark sign is present all over the place now.
BoShBot, written in June of 1997, is the first game that Eingang has written without partnering with Mach. Like all the other games, it's based on the C game bot shell originally developed by Mach and then upgraded/rewritten by Eingang through most of 1997. BoShBot in functionality is very similar in many ways to Eingang's version of Acrophobia(TM) which made it easy to develop the BoShbot in a relatively short period of time. The original idea for BoSh! came from Hasbro's Balderdash(TM) word game.
MadLib takes you back to your childhood days when you used to while away the hours during car trips by fighting with your sibling and playing word games together with your parents. Mommy might say "I was walking down the street when I was approached by Eingang who said, _______," and you would laugh yourself silly at the crazy sentence endings you'd create together. The original MadLib game concept and implementation was developed by Cahaya, a long-time Acro player. Working in collaboration with Cahaya, Eingang quickly developed the current MadBot bot program using the BoSh!/Acrobot shell. Cahaya and Eingang continue to work together and share their data and results in an attempt to further improve the game. Cahaya's original MadBot was written as an mIRC script.
All of Eingang's bots are based on a game shell originally developed by Mach for use with the first AlexBot (R*Bot). This game shell, like all of Eingang's other games, has been considerably updated and modified since then. A complete range of operator functions, for channel operators and game administrators, are now in place to allow for temporary bans, protected topics, announcing games, and actions. Channel operators can be identified either by a dynamic IP or by an IP with a password. Most of the bots can detect and protect themselves against flooding by messages and certain types of channel flooding. The game shell is written in C and is still in the process of being updated. Changes scheduled for the near future include the use of a dedicated socket-based interface for the bots.
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